June 17, 2010

Happiness is relative

Some days ago, I saw a woman in the Berlin U-Bahn, who had something special, a je ne sais pas quoi... I stepped out and took a tram, and after a minute or two she came into the tram with her friend and their two daughters. She sat in front of me, so I had the chance to study her. And then I realized: she seemed to be completely happy. She talked very little with her daughter and friend, but her face, her eyes and smile were radiant of happiness.

I am in South Africa and I feel miserable. The atmosphere is great, people are happy, they are able to cheer up because of a football game, but I simply cannot. A World Cup is not my happiness.

And this drives me to Cacau and his goal last week against South Africa. Two minutes after entering the game, he scores and you could see on his face that he fulfilled that very moment a dream of his childhood. He was absolutely happy, his eyes about to explode in tears.

I am in Cape Town: amazing beauty in all senses, people are cheerful and while I was thinking how miserable I feel, I overheard a conversation in the lift: some guy got terribly sick, he had to be taken to the hospital, he is being operated, I think.

Facebook makes you think, that the lives of others is so attractive and cool and easy and maybe even glamorous. When I said "Bye" to X, a famous journalist currently working for Die Zeit, he told me that I lead a beautiful life. Yes. And no.

Foto: Stadium view from my hotel room in Cape Town

1 comment:

s said...

un placer leerte, como siempre.

Me acordé de un buen comentario en un bar.

Un cuate en el bar, apronta a decir.anda, que la vida es una barca! los demás responden. -Caramba, que elocuente, que bello

Sí, la vida es una barca!
-que bien, que elocuente su frase!

No, no, no es mía, la frase la dijo un tal Calderón de la mierda!

un abrazo!
