January 16, 2012


People are talking these days about the shipwreck off to Tuscany. I was reading the memoirs of a German entrepreneur, August Santleben, who established the first international diligence between USA (Texas) and Mexico. His book begins with the story of an accident off to Galveston, in which many passengers lost their lives:

The city of Galveston, Texas, was sighted about the middle of July, 1845, after making a safe voyage of seven weeks' duration, but many  of those who greeted the land of their adoption with joyful expectations were destined to a watery grave when entering the harbor. I do not know what brought about the catastrophe, but my parents, who gave me this information, said that the ship was stranded when passing through the channel leading into Galveston Bay, about half a mile from shore, where it was broken to pieces, and the wreck could be seen as late as 1885. Only thirty-five of the passengers were saved, and they were rescued by a life-boat that was sent from the shore. Among them was an infant  boy, about two years of age, who was thrown to my parents after they entered the boat, by some one on the vessel, under the impression that the child belonged to our family.

There is this amazing picture by Eugenio Espino Barros. I haven't been able to gather more information, but I guess it was taken in Veracruz.

Eugenio Espino Barros

 Costa Concordia (2012)

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