September 27, 2012

PrenzelBerg Ostalgie

Wenn du Berlin bzw. PrenzelBerg liebst oder zumindest magst, dann ist dieser Dokufilm ein Must: der Kiez wird bloss sechs Monate nach der Wende gezeigt. Was man dort sieht, ist einfach unglaublich, wenn man zwanzig Jahre später dort –als jünge Ausländer– seinen Wohnsitz gehabt hat. Die Ecken, wo ich immer lang gefahren bzw. gelaufen bin, sind kaum zu erkennen.

Die Band Herbst in Peking spielt Rock-Musik auf den Ruinen der Mauer im aktuellen Bereich des Mauerparks

Bild eines als Gottesdienst gestalteten Rock-Konzertes

Der Sohn eines alten Mannes, der seit elf Jahren in einem Krankenhaus wohnt, einfach, weil es günstig ist

Kastanien Allee 86 – das Haus ist nach wie vor besetzt

Eine junge Frau verschenkt amerikanischen Zigaretten in einer Kneipe

Die Zeit brennt: Grafitti Marsch!

Die Nacht, an der die Währungunion stattfand und die Botschaft über die Tagesschau bekannt wurde

Dieses Pärchen gab Frau Konopke die erste (West) D-Mark für Currywurst ab

My toilette après Duchamp

 R. Mutt (Marcel Duchamp), Fountain (1917)

Enrique G de la G, My toilette après Duchamp (2012)

Jesus Christ: Art!

Arnulf Rainer, Wine Crucifix (1957-78)

Joseph Beuys, Das ist noch nicht gegessen

Colin H, van Eeckhout, Calvary

Chris Burden, Transfix (1974)

Robert Mapplethorpe, Christ (1988)

Eric Gill, Crucifix (1919)

F. N. Souza, Crucifixion (1959)

Geoffrey Clarke, Crucifixion (1954)

Graham Sutherland, Crucifixion (1946)

Ron Mueck, Hauser Wirth Drift (2009)

Andrej Wojnarowicz, Untitled (Ant series – spirituality) (1988-9)

Andrés Serrano, Piss Christ (1987)
now on an exhibition

Pierre Barbet, Nailed Corpse (1937)
Not exactly art, but a forensic investigation on crucifixion

James Legg (currently on exhibition)

September 24, 2012

Denken verboten

Sometimes I feel as being here.

And it sucks.

Female warriors: Jeanne d'Arc, Doña Inés de Suárez

Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431) arrives at the Castle of Chinon. Charles VII greets her standing on the draw bridge. German Tapestry.

Inés de Suárez (c. 1507–1580) was a Spanish conquistadora who participated in the Conquest of Chile, successfully defending Santiago against a Mapuche attack in 1541.

September 22, 2012

Cinema's human nature

I recently read a magnificent article on teaching cinema in an American prison. I think that it is a very appealing story about human nature.

Three years ago, short before his death last year, I watched this amazing clip by my FAZ-colleague Michael Althen during my visit to the Cinema Festival in Cuba. It's worth watching it, since it shows as well the human nature.

September 21, 2012

Hooliganismo musical

Hay hooliganismos musicales y editoriales; me ahorro lo segundo, enfoquémonos hoy en el musical. Publicado por La Tempestad.

September 20, 2012

Studies on oil

Yesterday I shot this. No manipulation, no retouching, no Photoshop, no shit.


Tim Noble and Sue Webster: Turning the Seventh Corner

One year ago, I attended Berlin's gallery weekend. The highlight was this work by Tim Noble and Sue Webster, which I just recovered from my camera. The piece is made of animal hybris and corpses. But they have done some other stuff.

Turning the Seventh Corner (2011)


Found in Berlin (2011)

Death: Sedlec, Taxco

Sedlec's ossuary is the spookiest place on Earth I have been. The chapel is full with human skulls and bones recovered from an old cemetery. 

Below, a picture I made of the pavement in front of the chapel, and a calaca on Taxco's pavement.



Without an "if"

Alfred Stiglitz' Camera Work was the first  magazine about photo. He introduced several European artists to New York.

It seems like a dream to me: a magazine without an "if"...

I do recommend this documentary film on his and his oeuvre.

September 19, 2012

Our Mexican progress

Looks like this thanks to that PRI-mentality according to which you are not part of my team, but rather a danger for my development... I experience that every single day. Such a crap!

Legs: ships, cars

 Helmut Newton
