August 18, 2008

Hipograph: Aristotle, Hegel

Both the Book Lambda of the Metaphysics and the Phänomenologie des Geistes end with two literary quotations:

ouk agathòn polukoiraníe: eîs koíranos éstw
(the rule of many is not good: let one be the ruler)

Homer, Iliad 2, 204

aus dem Kelche dieses Geisterreiches
schäumt ihm seine Unendlichkeit
(Hegel modified it: aus dem Kelch des ganzen Seelenreiches | schäumt ihm - die Unendlichkeit)

Friedrich Schiller, Die Freundschaft, 1782.

BTW: if you attend a Ph.D. Kolloquium in Berlin's Humboldt Universität you'll see Hegel's desk.


Unknown said...

In what sense did you used the word "hipograph"? I've been searching its meaning and aside from the mathematical definition i've found nothing.

Enrique G de la G said...

Just as the opposite of "epigraph", whereas "epi" means above and "hipo" means below. I thought I had coined the term, I wasn't aware that it's used in mathematics.
