October 20, 2008

Wong Kar-wai

Last night I watched again Wong Kar-wai. T recommended me and gave me some months ago Chungking Express, and last night at F's place we gathered to watch two more films of him. There I met a Taiwan girl and her German boyfriend who are really big fans of his films, so big that they even went to see the Chungking Express fast-food bar in Hong Kong, like people traveling to Paris go to Amélie's Montmartre. They say it's in a backyard, full of people who look angry, desperate and dangerous, so they got a little bit scared, and didn't stayed longer there.

The first film of last night was Days of being wild. I didn't like it so much, although it's ok, but this morning, while thinking about it, I got the feeling I would like it more if I watch it again.

The second film was the poetic and marvelous In the mood for love. Everything is perfect in this movie! The music, the light, the photography, the dresses of the actress, the actress, the secrets left in a hole... Just perfect. I even dreamed of it.

And Wong Kar-wai has been teaching me to discover the charm of Asian girls. Excepting Puk, I never thought they could be so charming and beautiful, but these girls are proving that I was completely wrong. First came Faye Wong, and now Maggie Cheung.

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