May 31, 2012

SS: Jaguar, Nazis

The company which built the nicest cars in England during the late 1930s till the mid 1940s was called SS Cars Limited, as you can see in this ad. Then, the company changed the name to Jaguar Cars.

A very spooky name and logo, considering the nazis in Germany: it indeed looks like a combination of SS plus the eagle.

May 25, 2012

Organ donations

We woke up this morning learning about the new German law for organ donations. It seems to be controversial, although it tried to improve the current situation.

In Mexico, it's necessary that not only you, but also your relatives are ok with the donation. But, as it happens, when the family is dealing with the death and arranging the funerals, it is hard to think about donating the organs.

This is a new film, released yesterday, about a mother who decided to unplugged her brain dead daughter and to donate her heart to a sixty year old man. This was the first succesful heart transplantation.

(In this role, Lisa Sheridan, is just breath taking... no earring has pierced her ears...)

May 23, 2012

Nils Christie dixit

"I want to be a citizen in a state where ministers, unguarded, use public transportation."

Or bikes.

And I agree!

What a contrast: I remember getting out of class, crossing Gendarmenmark and suddenly being face to face to Germany's President, Horst Köhler.

On the other side, my neighbour is the owner of one of the largest banks in Mexico. There are everyday around ten bodyguards with... It sucks!

Merkel on a bus from Italy to Berlin due to volcan Eyjafjallajökull

May 20, 2012

The powerful: Killing Osama, watching Champions League

How similar and odd and at the same time how different these images are...

May 2011, Washington, during the Operation Jeronimo

May 2012, Camp David, during the G8 Summit

May 19, 2012

Lotus: René Burri, Wu Guanhzong

Two images of Chinese lotus, one photo by René Burri and one ink drawing by amazing Wu Guanhzong (there is an ongoing exhibition of his oeuvre in New York, go if you are there!).

May 18, 2012

Shoot: Hunter S. Thompson, Ewen Gur

Hunter S. Thompson founded gonzo journalism.

Ewen Gur is a young French/German designer, whose work has impacted the grafitti and comic industry recently. This work appeared on the Idealist Art project, in Berlin, last autumn.

Those horny guys

A few moments ago, I heard the cleaning woman talking about "those horny boys" who are always checking women. I thought she was talking to herself, as she usually does, but then I realized she was addressing the guard, sitting on a bench below her.

It reminded me of Roland Garros...

May 17, 2012

Colum McCann

I just read Transatlantic, by Colum McCann, whom I hadn't read before. He has a handsome style, a drive which is not normal to find nowadays, specially in the boring literature written in Spanish (too much ado about nothing). 

This is a moving short film based on one of his short stories. I liked it less, since it's predictable, but still hasn't read the original piece. Still, it's worth watching just for the sake of Karlie Greene, the breathtaking girl.

May 16, 2012

Shabolovka Radio Tower, British Museum

Wladimir Schuchov (1922)

 Norman Foster (1999)

May 9, 2012

Panis et circus: lucha libre, debate

I am fed up with the terrible niveau of the politics in Mexico. The funniest thing happened last Sunday, when the four candidates to the Presidency –all of them pathetic: corrupt and silly– were about to start a so called "debate". It was no debate at all.

As everything in this country, it's just about the façade and making as-if, as Germans say. As-if they are interested in Mexico, as-if they are honest, as-if they want to improve things...

It was the political version of lucha libre: a wrestling combat in which, as everybody knows, nobody is going to get hurt, where the winner is given in advance, and people just enjoy the wrestlers doing as-if they were fighting each other.

An important character at the lucha libre is the "edecán": the sexy girl who introduces the wrestlers and the rounds.

Last Sunday, being the debate a pathetic copy of a lucha libre, an edecán in a Pippa Middleton similar sort of sexy dress was the most commented figure due to her big boobs trying to escape from their fabric jail. 

In this fucked up country, politics imitates (even) lucha libre. Great!

May 8, 2012

Scissors: Alice Springs, Tom Ford

Tom Ford's campaign for his fragance was hard critised due to his agressive sexualization. His selfportrait cutting the underwear of a girl looks like a joke in comparison with Alice Springs' Parisian image of Susi and Lena...

May 4, 2012

Peter de Sève, Warhol

The actual cover of The New Yorker, by Peter de Sève, reminds me of this Andy Warhol...

May 3, 2012

U under the blue sky: Cerro de la Silla, Ribs & tits on a horse

New pics

Valle de Bravo's bakery

Valle de Bravo's grocery

Jungapeo (one of the most strange cemeteries I have ever seen)

 Morelia's food market

 Morelia's food market

 Morelia's light & water fountain
