November 20, 2008


I gave to my Doktorvater the new version of my Dissertation, went to Paris for a congress, where I met interesting people, traveled a little bit, and finally came home in Mexico. I bought a unicycle and gave it to L, as a gift, and we made our first trials to drive it. This is my first experience, and it's cool.

This is the best video I found about the art of riding unicycles. It's a mix of ballet, ice skating and dance.

November 10, 2008

Beckham, "Hummer"

What's the difference between Beckham and "The Hummer"?

Right! They know how to survive the financial crisis. They both avoid Wall Street bullshit, and prefer to invest on gold.
Beckham listens to his favourite music on his golden iPod, while "The Hummer" kills with his Versace (sic) golden handgun.

November 9, 2008

"Muto", by Blu

Today is the last day of the Short Film Festival in Berlin, and F invited me to watch some Italian productions. There were very good ones, but the most impressive was a "real animation" (I don't know how to call it) by Blu. They are painting walls all around the world, and they completely changed my conception of that new interest I discovered this year grafitti. Take a look of "Muto" (7:26), a project which took place in Buenos Aires last year, and which has been viewed online more than 5 million times already. It's worth.

November 6, 2008

Pancho Villa, Bush-puppet

I was looking for the pic of a famous writer, whose name just escaped from my brain, who reminded me of this one of Pancho Villa, when I found another one (many indeed) of US-American soldiers sitting on Saddam Hussein's throne.

It's good that Bush is gone!

Philip Merlan dixit II

"Generally, it is true, we are inclined to think of the transition from polytheism to monotheism as being at the same time a transition from crude anthropomorphism to a purer notion of God. A middle stage, a de-anthropomorphisized polytheism, appears as a logical construction rather than a living reality. But it seems that Aristotle (and, perhaps, Plato, too) represents just this intermediary stage. It was the anthropomorphism or anthropopathism of the popular religion by which they were repelled, not its plurality of gods".

"Aristotle's Unmoved Movers" in Traditio (1946), p.28

November 5, 2008

Philip Merlan dixit

"It has been repeated so often how great an artist Plato was when compared with Aristotle that I beg leave to call to mind that even as a myth the Timaeus is often ugly or almost ridiculous. Suffice it to mention the little pegs used by the gods in order to keep man together".

"Aristotle's Unmoved Movers" in Traditio (1946), p.9.

November 2, 2008

"Lo extraordinario", por Robinson Quintero

Aquí no sucede nada extraordinario
Las rosas crecen
los muertos descansan

los niños lanzan guijarros al cielo

algunos hombres llevan regalos a sus casas

Muy a menudo no acontece nada

fuera de lo usual
Los amigos salen de fiesta

la gente se casa

unos ríen otros lloran

los ausentes escriben

Parece que todo ocurriera sin contratiempos

por estos lados

Los árboles mudan de hojas

la lluvia ensimisma

el sol sale puntual aún entre la niebla

Y los necios furiosos de hastío

empecinados comentan:

aquí no pasa nada extraordinario

hace tiempo no sucede nada extraordinario

Foto: Archivo Casasola

November 1, 2008

En la víspera del día de muertos

Guuzbourg asked some weeks ago which song would one pick for their own funeral. I had never thought about it. I sent him a couple of mails.

And now I read that I won the contest with this post!
