March 16, 2011


Everything comes from the Old Greeks. I recalled that recently, while I was studying the work of American photographer Louise Dahl-Wolfe (1895-1989), and I bumped into this beautiful picture of a veiled woman.

It reminded me of a Jorge's favorite statue in the Louvre, to which he draw our attention few months ago, when we visited together the Parisian museum.

Femme voilée (La Foi?)

It was done by Antonio Corradini (1668-1752), a rococo artist from Venice who mastered this veil technique. In Napoli there is a chapel with two similar statues by Corradini, although the Christ statue was finished by Giuseppe Sanmartino.

La pudizia

Christ veiled under a shroud

There are more similar works by Corradini.


La puritá

One hundred years later, Rafaelle Monti gained recognition in London thanks to a sculpture in this technique.

Veiled vestal virgin

So, he was clever and did a few more works.


Sleep of sorrow and dream of joy

But in fact, the technique is as old as the Greeks, as this sculpture from the IV Century a.C. shows (Metropolitan Museum).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful art. Not easy! They say they make these from a wet model: throw a bucket of (warm) water over her, and there you go.
